Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chapter 1

Technical writing is to the point.  It should be easily accessible because people usually just flip to the pages that they need information about.  The technical document on pages two and three gives the audience a brief understanding of the information that explains the process of bioremediation.  It allowed me as a viewer to understand the process without having to read pages and pages on the topic.  It explains what it is, how it works, that it’s safe, how long the process will take and why it should be used.  It covers all the questions that viewers may have on bioremediation.  It also has contact information that allows the viewer to write to the company if they have further questions.  The content needs to be straightforward and to the point while still having all the important information.  Technical communications can be in the format of letters, memos, emails, brochures, pamphlets, fact sheets, instruction material, reports and proposals to name a few.  They can also be through media.   Technical communication will be needed in every job in some way.  Also humans are a big part in technical communication.  Humans are what give the text meaning.  You can have an awesome proposal and if you don’t convey the message right, it could be a disaster.  Throughout life, you will need to obtain numerous portable communication skills regardless of your job. 

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