Monday, January 24, 2011

Chapter 2 & 3

When technically communicating, the main question is, “how do I prepare the right document for this situation?”  When writing a technical document there are many points that you have to convey.  Delivering the essential information, being persuasive, and weighing the ethical issues are all aspects that a technical document must contain.  Also working in groups is very common when working for a large company, therefore to be able to communicate to other workers is essential. Chapter two explains the writing process and how each step can be repeated many times.  It also gives many questions that a writer can ask themselves for each step of the writing process.  Once the document is finished, proofreading is the last part.  Chapter two gives guidelines and a checklist for proofreading.  A technical document should be usable.  For a document to be usable, it should be easy to locate the needed information, the information should be written so that it is easily understood, and the information should be used successfully.  A technical document should be written for its audience.  Every audience is different and therefore not every technical document should have the same format.  Your document also needs to have the correct level of technicality.  There are three levels of technicality, highly technical which is plainly facts and figures, semi technical which is the facts and figures explained and nontechnical which are the facts and figures explained in the simplest way.  Chapter three is mainly about audience; why, when, and how they will use the technical document.  An audience and use profile sheet is provided as a general checklist to make sure you hit all the points in the technical document.  While writing a technical document, many aspects go into the writing such as the setting under which the document will be read, perhaps any possible hazards, the appropriate details, and the design of the page.  Chapter three also provides you with a usability checklist to ensure your document is usable.  Revising your document is also very important.  Getting people to try out the document before it is finalized is a great way to see if the document written is easily understood, and can be successfully used.

1 comment:

  1. ETHICS- shrink wrap license- you have to open the package before you can read the information -ethical?

    invent (brainstorming, gathering ideas)
    revision (proofread)
    ^cycle process when your done you go to copy edit process where you check for misspelled words, grammatical errors, etc.

    think of writing as a process instead of a means for an end. don't get caught up with misspelled words, etc. just write.

    understanding what the audience wants/likes.

    the same basic message can be conveyed in different ways for different audiences.

    primary users- decision makers who requested the document (teacher)

    secondary users- those who carry out the project (students)

    minimize the risk of losing information in translation.

    writing = thinking

    when you want to hit the delete key, hit enter instead and keep writing.
